Daily Archives: March 26, 2013

Sheriff Sergeant being charged with vehicular homicide in deadly crash

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —APD Sergeant Adam Casaus is being formally charged with vehicular homicide and great bodily injury by vehicle in the death of one woman and the injury of her sister.

Bernalillo County Sheriff Dan Houston confirmed that the criminal complaint was hand delivered to the district attorney’s office Tuesday.

The crash happened in early February and involved the APD Sergeant during a time when he said he was tracking a drunk driver. But dispatch logs showed he logged off his last call almost four hours prior to the deadly crash where he ran a red light on Paseo Del Norte and Eagle Ranch Road.

The crash killed 21-year-old Ashley Browder and sent her sister to the hospital.

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Posted by on March 26, 2013 in Uncategorized



Skeptical? Sherry West’s Daughter Questions Her Mother’s Story About 13-Month-Old’s Murder (VIDEO)

While Sherry West, the mother of a 13-month-old Brunswick, Ga. toddler, makes her rounds in the media to call justice for her son’s killers, her own daughter is now coming forward to say she’s not so sure about the story.

PHOTOS: The Plot Thickens! Mom & Aunt Of Accused Baby Killer, De’Marquise Elkins, Arrested For Lying To Police 

The daughter of West, Ashley Glassey, said that she does not want to falsely accuse anyone, however, she does want the honest truth.

The 21-year-old told First Coast News that her mother lost custody of her when she was 8-years-old. Although she has forgiven her mother, she says her response to the death of her little brother is cause for concern.

Glassey said she started to have her doubts after receiving a phone call from her mother telling her that her brother, Antonio Santiago, had been killed. She claims the night of the shooting her mother asked, “How soon do you think life insurance policy will send me a check?”

Glassey tells First Coast News she hopes her suspicions are wrong but based on conversations with her mother she’s not sure. Glassey described their discussions by saying her mother is crying one minute and then sounds fine the next.

“I spoke with the detectives and investigators and the evidence leads to many witnesses, not just me,” said Sherry West, mother of the 13-month-old that was killed last Thursday morning.

Apparently, West also changed her stories up.

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Posted by on March 26, 2013 in Uncategorized



Dear Robert Zimmerman: Flipping the bird isn’t an offense punishable by death

While we were putting today’s issue to press, a new bizarre drama surrounding George Zimmerman, the man who shot Trayvon Martin to death in Sanford last year, was unfolding. And Zimmerman has his brother to thank for this one.

The Wonkette blog pointed out Zimmerman’s brother, Robert Zimmerman Jr., went on a Twitter rampage yesterday and compared Martin to another teen in Georgia who allegedly shot a baby in the face while attempting to rob his mother. Zimmerman posted an image to Twitter showing photos of 17-year-old De’Marquise Elkins flipping the bird and an image of Trayvon Martin doing the same thing, with the line: “A picture speaks a thousand words. Any questions?”

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He then goes on to expound on his egregious photo comparison:

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After he was called out for his completely racist commentary, he insists that he’s not being racist – it’s the system. The only reason his brother was arrested, he says, is because Martin was black and George Zimmerman was “alleged white.” Not, you know, because Zimmerman killed an unarmed kid.

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He also insists tweets (repeatedly) that everyone has a right to self-defense.


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And most recently, he insisted that George Zimmerman would have been brutally murdered by Trayvon Martin if he hadn’t shot the teen to death first.

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Why? Because Trayvon Martin was “threatening2kill” the large man who was pursuing him, and “moving2disarm some1″ who had an (allegedly) concealed weapon. And in doing so, clearly, he was guilty of “causing” his own death.

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Zimmerman’s not helping his brother’s case (or public perception) any. All his posts have managed to do is dredge up the bottom-feeders who eat this kind of thing up, galvanize the people who are racist and are dying for another reason to take potshots at a dead kid, and disgust everybody else.

1. Reverse racism is also racism, and playing the white (or “alleged white”) victim card is no better than playing any other racial card.

2. Flipping the bird is not an offense punishable by death. Neither is having a Twitter handle that’s crude, stupid or obnoxious (something Robert Zimmerman repeatedly takes Martin to task for, as if it’s also proof that the unarmed Martin was a threat).

3. Self-defense is a fundamental right. Even for an unarmed 17-year-old kid being followed by an adult man after dark. There’s a pretty good chance Martin was also pretty scared for his life when he was stalked by a dude who obviously came close enough to him to get into a fight, then shoot him.

4. Martin allegedly punched Zimmerman and broke his nose, but he didn’t have a weapon on him. How was he planning to kill Zimmerman exactly?

5. If Zimmerman’s weapon was not already out or revealed, why would Martin have been “moving2disarm” him? How would he have known Zimmerman had a gun? If Zimmerman revealed that he had a gun, doesn’t that mean that Martin had even more reason to panic and try to defend himself? And doesn’t that take us back to the right to self-defense again?

Finally, Zimmerman makes a big issue of the alleged attempt by the media to hide negative images of Martin from public view. He wants to know why everyone’s “hiding” photos of the kid giving the finger, dressed in gangsta-looking clothes, looking sullen. Well, here you go, in plain sight – and pretty easy to find with a simple Google search – is a photo of Trayvon Martin. Being a 17-year-old. Giving the finger. Like kids on Twitter and Facebook do all the time. BFD. It doesn’t make him a killer. It doesn’t make him an aspiring murderer. It’s not a crime. And it doesn’t make it acceptable to compare him to a kid who shot a baby in the face.


Whether George Zimmerman is guilty or not, Robert Zimmerman Jr. is definitely guilty of being an idiot.


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Posted by on March 26, 2013 in Uncategorized



Royal Caribbean says the FBI is investigating a death aboard one of its cruise ships


BALTIMORE – Royal Caribbean says the FBI is investigating a death aboard one of its cruise ships.

The Enchantment of the Seas returned to Baltimore as scheduled Monday after a 62-year-old woman was found dead in her cabin Sunday.

Royal Caribbean says in a statement that it contacted the FBI and local police as part of standard procedures, and FBI agents boarded the ship when it arrived in Baltimore.

The woman’s name and hometown were not released, although Royal Caribbean says she was American. The company says her husband found her dead.

The Enchantment of the Seas sailed to Florida and the Bahamas on a seven-night trip.

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