Blogger who outed ‘Witness 9′ in George Zimmerman unmasked, Known on the Internet only as “Sundance Cracker,

30 Jul

The blogger who revealed the name, address, and photos of a cousin of George Zimmerman, the man charged with killing Trayvon Martin, has carefully guarded his own privacy. Known on the Internet only as “Sundance Cracker,” the anonymous blogger has posted potentially embarrassing personal information about several figures in the Martin case — people who fellow posters at “Cracker’s” website derisively call “Trayvonites.” The punishment for supporting Martin’s family, or for opposing Zimmerman, who has developed a following on some conservative blogs, is often to have intimate details, including photos, posted to the site.

This month, the site, which theGrio will not name, published photos and personal information about the woman known publicly as Witness 9 — a female cousin of Zimmerman, who contacted Sanford, Florida police two days after Zimmerman shot and killed Martin, a Miami teenager visiting Sanford with his father. She told the officer she spoke with that Zimmerman and his family dislike black people, and that from the time she was eight years old, until around age sixteen, Zimmerman — who is two years older — sexually molested her.

The charges drew outrage among Zimmerman’s supporters, including “Sundance Cracker,” who runs a conservative blog whose members spend time perusing evidence in the case, critiquing Zimmerman’s lawyer, Mark O’Mara, and posting negative information about Martin, has family, and his family’s lawyers. O’Mara has taken notice, and even emailed a frequent reader of the site seeking a “chat session” with the bloggers.

Now, it appears “Sundance Cracker” has been outed himself.

A new website, posted anonymously on July 20th, claims that “Sundance Cracker’s” real name is Mark Ivor Bradman, a 46-year-old from Florida. The person who created the site, calling him or herself only “dagmarcleftjaw” — an apparent reference to a character on the HBO series Game of Thrones, said of Bradman: “The blogger who disclosed the identity of the person (a possible victim of sexual abuse) listed as Witness #9 in various court documents associated with the State of Florida’s investigation of Trayvon Martin’s shooting works as a store manager at a Publix Supermarket in the vicinity of Cape Coral, FL His name is Mark Bradman (aka Mark Ivor Bradman and Mark I. Bradman). He is 46, has an unhealthy obsession with George Zimmerman, and is overcome with racial paranoia.”

Part 2


Posted by on July 30, 2012 in Uncategorized


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2 responses to “Blogger who outed ‘Witness 9′ in George Zimmerman unmasked, Known on the Internet only as “Sundance Cracker,

  1. Johnny Filexican

    July 31, 2012 at 3:31 am

    Johnny Filexican was here. Amazing how word spreads these days. Somehow I found this information just a few hours after it was posted. Good job outing that nuthouse guy. Fuck him.

  2. Lucie Baines

    May 30, 2014 at 9:00 pm

    Somebody needs to out his fellow nuthouse creep the woman known as ytz4mee. She’s more dangerous than Cracker.


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