Daily Archives: June 23, 2012

Obama congratulates Miami Heat coach Spoelstra


Miami Heat head coach Erik Spoelstra celebrates after Game 5 of the NBA finals basketball series against the Oklahoma City Thunder, Thursday, June 21, 2012, in Miami. The Heat won 121-106 to become the 2012 NBA Champions. Wilfredo Lee / AP Photo

President Obama calls Miami Heat head coach Erik Spoelstra to offer congratulations after NBA championship

Calling from Air Force One, on his way to Tampa, President Barack Obama called Miami Heat head coach Erik Spoelstra to congratulate him on the team’s win over the Oklahoma City Thunder on Thursday.

President Obama said that the team seemed to get stronger in each game of the playoffs, and he complimented the performance of the players and coaches. He asked Spoelstra to tell the team that they are all invited to the White House, and he looks forward to celebrating their NBA championship. Β Source

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