Daily Archives: June 5, 2012

NORTH MIAMI BEACH, Fla: Man on Cloud 9 bath salt behind bars allegedly growls, tries to bite officer

NORTH MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (WSVN) — Officers say a man in police custody has an entire department shocked after he allegedly growled and tried to bite an officer’s hand off; an eerie resemblance to the cannibal attack on a South Florida causeway.

Two North Miami Beach officers were eating at a Boston Market in North Miami Beach on Saturday evening, when Brandon DeLeon, a homeless man, walked into the restaurant and began to yell obscenities at them.

DeLeon then threatened to fight the police officers, forcing them to place him under arrest. But it was the events after DeLeon was put into a holding cell that has officers very concerned.

According to an officer’s safety bulletin, “While at the holding cell, DeLeon banged his head repeatedly inside the holding cell. DeLeon growled at officers in the booking area like a rabid dog. DeLeon attempted to bite Officer Ruiz’s hand off.”

The incident sounds eerily similar to the case of Rudy Eugene who, when confronted by Miami Police under the MacArthur Causeway while ripping the flesh off of homeless man Ronald Poppo, allegedly started to growl.

It has been speculated that Eugene, who chewed off 75 percent of Poppo’s face, had been on drugs at the time of the incident before being shot and killed by police.

Authorities believe DeLeon was on drugs when he tried to bite the officer’s hand off and have advised officers to be extra careful when it comes to the homeless community in South Florida. The officer’s safety bulletin goes on to read: “It was later discovered DeLeon had taken a synthetic drug named Cloud 9. This bears resemblance to the incident that occurred in the City of Miami last week when a male ate another man’s face. Please be careful when dealing with our homeless population during your patrols.”

Cloud 9 is a synthetic drug with terrible side effects such as rage, hallucinations and paranoia.

During a bond hearing on Monday, DeLeon told a judge he couldn’t remember the events. “I have no recollection of anything that happened that night,” he said.

According to 7News sources, the day after the incident with DeLeon, officers stopped some people in the homeless community and found the synthetic drug.

The concern among law enforcement is that Cloud 9 is becoming the drug of choice within the homeless community, and the overriding concern is the violent side effects.

North Miami Beach Police also said DeLeon had the caffeinated, alcoholic beverage Four Loko in his system.


DeLeon remains in jail under a $5,500 bond.

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Posted by on June 5, 2012 in Uncategorized


Attorney: Zimmerman’s bail request delayed

(CNN) — Although George Zimmerman’s lawyers plan to file a motion asking for a new bail hearing for the murder suspect, the filing has been delayed, defense attorneys said Tuesday.

“Mr. Zimmerman’s legal defense team has decided to delay filing a motion for bond,” the defense team said Tuesday on its website, “A hearing will not be scheduled for a couple of weeks, and we will file a motion well in advance of the hearing.”

The filing was delayed for several reasons, lead defense attorney Mark O’Mara said but did not elaborate.



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Posted by on June 5, 2012 in Uncategorized


Wisconsin Votes on Recall of Governor

MILWAUKEE — Sixteen months after this state erupted into one of the fiercest political wars in residents’ memories, voters began streaming into polling places on Tuesday to decide whether Wisconsin will remove Gov. Scott Walker, the Republican whose decision to cut collective bargaining rights for most public workers set off the fight.

Mr. Walker, who cast his own vote at a school in this city’s suburbs not long after the polls opened, is only the third governor in the nation’s history to face a recall election. Under Wisconsin’s provisions for recall — never before tested when it comes to a governor — Mr. Walker finds himself competing for his job against Mayor Tom Barrett of Milwaukee, the Democratic challenger.

While the outcome will decide Mr. Walker’s immediate political future, it is also being looked to as a sign about how this state will approach fiscal and other policies in the months ahead, how comfortable other states’ leaders will feel challenging collective bargaining rights and unions, and about President Obama’s chances come November in a key state that he won four years ago.

In many cities, lines were reported at polling places, even before they opened at 7 a.m. Central Time. In Janesville, not far from the Illinois border, about 20 residents waited among a landscape of ferns and flowers in front of the Rotary Botanical Gardens.

“It’s going to be a big one today,” said Lois Altmann, 83, a volunteer poll worker, as she taped maps of the county on walls inside the garden’s visitor center where voting booths were being erected. “Soon we can stop hearing about this.”

For months, Wisconsin residents — those on both sides of the debate — have complained that this fight has changed what was once mostly a gentle, civil political climate and turned friends and neighbors against one another.

“I’m looking forward to this being over,” said Adam Crandall, 45, who declined to say who he was backing, but stressed the need for Wisconsin to balance its budget and attract new businesses. “Frankly, I’m disappointed for the state of Wisconsin that we had to go through this, but it’s time to move forward.”

This has been a campaign in dizzying, fast-forward mode. Under state rules about the timetable of recall elections, Mr. Barrett became the Democratic nominee only last month, after winning a contested primary.

More than $60 million has been spent in this battle, much of it by outside groups — significantly more than has ever been spent on a governor’s race here and so much that, by Monday, local television stations were buried in political ads during breaks for every show. Mr. Walker’s campaign has raised some $30 million, much of it from out of state.




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Posted by on June 5, 2012 in Uncategorized


Louisiana GOP spirals into chaos as Ron Paul delegates injured, arrested

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Posted by on June 5, 2012 in Uncategorized


Mark O Mara Trying To Do Damage Control On Zimmerman’s Family Lies

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Posted by on June 5, 2012 in News


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